Avoiding Accommodation Parenting Traps
The holiday season presents prime opportunities for falling into the trap of changing how you parent to accommodate or impress the expectations of others. We’ve all been there but staying firm in your parenting approach is actually how to demonstrate to friends and family (and your kids!) that you’ve got this.
Are We Doing Paternity Leave Wrong?
Are we doing paternity leave wrong? Society encourages many of us to take a big chunk of paternity leave during infancy, when many dads are biologically ill-equipped to most of the tasks. Could there be different ways of structuring and thinking about paternity leave?
Can You Actually Enjoy the Early Days of Fatherhood?
Having an infant is unquestionably hard, but does it have to be a bad experience? It seems not, if you’re willing to buck some social norms and attitudes.
A Summer of No Regrets
The end of summer often comes with some feelings of sadness but being intentional about how to you spend your time during summer can help prevent those emotions from becoming dominant - and the same is true of fatherhood.
Flipping the Father’s Day Script
What are you doing this Father’s Day to bring more meaning to the day for yourself and your family?
What We Gain
What are the most important things you’ve gained from fatherhood -either as a dad yourself or from fathers and father-figures throughout your life?
IRL Influencers
Who are the other people influencing who your child becomes? And in what directions are they nudging them?